Vice President of Human Resources
Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? Well it’s you girl, ….Marilyn Wineman, VP, Human Resources. Marilyn has a passion for restaurants and more importantly for the people that make them ROCK. She has navigated the tumultuous waters of various restaurant operations positions and found her way to human resources or as she likes to say, “Human Racehorses”. You can find great locations and you can build fabulous buildings but if you don’t get the right team in place to run those restaurants then none of those other things really matter. “Fun-loving, focused and accountable employees result in happy and returning guests. It is the culture that makes it happen and it is all of our responsibility to make a difference and live that every day.” She is a graduate of the Hotel and Restaurant program at Cal Poly Pomona, SHRM PHR certified and has been an active member of the California Restaurant Association. Marilyn joined the Cerca Trova team as the HR leader in April 2016 and feels like she just might make it after all.